This curriculum, elaborated within the project “Routes to Employment”, provides a flexible and varied guidebook for artistic and entrepreneurship training, a trans-nationally applicable catalogue of educational building bricks that joins practical and theoretical issues and works on many levels, answering to the needs of an increasingly interlaced, trans-cultural and cross-disciplinary art world.
Working in the arts has rarely been a secure career in many countries. In the past years, however, new challenges have been added to the requirements for artists to make a living. For today’s artists their practice overlaps with business, education, promotion as well as societal skills – all to an unprecedented degree.

The changing professional and artistic landscape requires an attitude shift for many (young) artists, and for the individuals and institutions active in their education. This curriculum provides appropriate training modules. It addresses entrepreneurial competencies such as self-management, financial knowledge, PR and marketing – but a solid preparation for a profession in the cultural and creative industries and artistic fields includes more than getting a sense of the business side of work. Alongside these tools and skills, a new comprehension of contemporary artistic culture, professional ethics and individual responsibility is needed; a new artistic identity that encompasses open-mindedness as well as cross-disciplinary competencies and awareness of the artists’ role in society.

The R2E curriculum is the outcome of many factors, practices and pedagogical perspectives being crafted, compared and overlapped in an open discussion among all project partners. Each partner brought a specific point of view to the table, based on previous experiences and on an accurate evaluation of needs and skills in their own operative context, involving local stakeholders, and representatives of the public and private institutions for arts education. Professionals outlined the critical relation between education and labour market, using open discussion with active participation by artists and cultural operators.

The modules that came out of this process were tested in Pilot Trainings with young artists in the critical stage between education and profession. The trainings were unfolded with practical and theoretical sessions characterised by a non-formal and peer-to-peer approach. The curriculum was finalised with the feedback from the participants to the various national experiences. The modules can be freely combined according to different requirements and necessities aimed to the building of courses, seminars and workshops to train and advise young artists and cultural workers. You can find a video tutorial explaining how to use the online curriculum below.

Individuals and institutions interested at experimenting modules of the curriculum in their educational contexts can receive upon request information, mentoring and training by the pool of professional trainers and experts of the project consortium:

This Curriculum was developed with funding from the EU programme ERASMUS+ as Strategic Partnership in the field of Vocational Education and Training. It reflects only the authors’ views; the European Commission and the ERASMUS+ national agencies are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Clarifying one's professional project

Project formulation

Are you wondering which direction to give to your artistic activity in the coming months? Do you have a project idea but you don't know how to implement it? Have you received a collaboration proposal …

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Talking about one's artistic project

Project formulation

To make yourself known, initiate collaborations, conclude contracts or to sell your work, it is essential to present your projects in a clear and attractive manner.

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Network: a leverage for creative professionals

Sources of support

Developing your interpersonal network is essential if you have a creative career, as the market is mainly hidden.

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Workshop Network (short version)

Sources of support

Developing your interpersonal network is essential if you have a creative career, as the market is mainly hidden.

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Social networks as professional tools


Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Flickr, Soundcloud… It is difficult nowadays to chose among the multitude of social networks and sharing platforms that exist to present you project. But, if …

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Legal and administrative aspects of working abroad

Legal and administrative matters

Are you going to work abroad or collaborate with persons living in another country? This training invites you to ask yourself the right questions on the legal and andministrative aspects of the free …

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Copyrights and other related rights

Legal and administrative matters

Get an overview of the copyrights and other related rights and how to manage them.

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Photography: copyright and image rights

Legal and administrative matters

Are you a photographer wondering about copyrights and image rights? This training should be able to provide you with the answers that you are looking for!

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SMart: user instructions

Legal and administrative matters

You focus on your work, SMart supports your administrative management! Follow this 2h session and discover what SMart is and which services it offers. On the agenda : explanations about the …

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The Fundamentals of Project Management

Project management

May it be for a client, a small enterprise or a cultural association, the biggest part of your energy should be spent on your project and not on solving management issues. This training tackles …

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To Manage and develop your project

Project management

Are you a project holder since a couple of years or did you just start a new activity? Well done! As you'll know, many things have to be taking into consideration: finding clients, prepare and …

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Tools to promote one's artistic project


A hammer is used to get the nail in the wood. A chainsaw is used to saw wood. Try to inverse these roles and you will understand how important it is to use the right tool for the right task.

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Communication strategy


The launching date of your project is coming closer and you still have so much to do to get to get a good media coverage and networking impact. How can you ensure a professional visibility? …

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Key information on contract

Legal and administrative matters

Every contract and convention is made of essential sections and negotiable content. How do you draft a contract that will protect you and your work?

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Plastic and graphic arts: pathways to determine one's prices


Are you a painter, a sculptor, a photographer, a cartoonist, a graphist or a visual artist? Do you have questions regarding the way to fix your prices for your works or services? Do you wonder how to …

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Professions in the music sector

Production of artistic projects

Get an overview of the various actors in the music sector, and the organization of working relationships with these partners. Gain hands on experience and debate around the best way to develop a …

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Exchanges about cultural/Intercultural aspects of international mobility

Project management

Are you working with persons with different cultural backgrounds? Did you already experience misunderstandings or tensions in this type of collaborations? Or do you foresee that differences in …

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Webdesign: specifications

Project formulation

This info session aims at providing key elements to SMart's advisors to accompany projects of webdesigners in order to allow them to secure their work and to assert their rights. The participants …

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Introduction to the tools of collective intelligence

Project management

This day is the occasion to discover a toolbox that will show you different ways to function. These tools will introduce you ti the power of the collective intelligence. This generates implication, …

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Crowdfunding, a solution to finance your projects?

Sources of support

During this session, you'll discoverhow a crowdfunding campaign works and what the keys are to lead a successful campaign.

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Training methods

Meeting an artist with experience in his sector: benefiting from his epxerience, discussing with peers, meeting new people and potential collaborator - that's a Meet&Connect!

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Working in contemporary societies

Artists and society

Investigate and experiment the links between art and the public sphere! Explore new shapes of the artist’s role, understand what a community based project and a socially engaged artistic practice …

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Cross-disciplinary creative practices

Project formulation, Artists and society

Explore the concept of contemporary art, with particular regard to the interdisciplinary aspects of artistic language.

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The Artistic Personality

Artists and society

How can an artist integrate the urgency of the own personal pathway with the context he is living in? This training will help you to develop a critical vision of the role of the artist in …

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Training methods

To keep a balance between process and outcome in building each one’s own autonomous professional path, it is more important to open up mental windows rather than to provide functional recipes or …

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Network and Context

Artists and society, Sources of support

Observation, critical analysis and storytelling about concrete artistic interventions referring to today’s society and job market.

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Fundamentals about project design and management

Project management, Project formulation

How can I design and present my project idea in a clear, exhaustive and attractive way?

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Fundamentals of organisation and administration

Project management, Legal and administrative matters

Rules, rights and duties. How does the work context look like for an artist? What does it mean to become a professional?

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Sustainable performance: "The hero's Journey"

Artists and society

Always wondering what distinguishes very successful entrepreneurs from others? A lot has to do with having the right mentality and attitude. In this workshop we will help you to create a continuous …

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Get your business in order (legal & administrative issues)

Legal and administrative matters

We know it is not the most 'sexy' part of being an artist but neither is being poor or sued. Don't fall into the trap of being the last one to know if something goes wrong: brush up on administrative …

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Idea to realisation: project management a-z

Project formulation

Turn a good idea into reality by setting up a working project plan and taking it from start to finish for best results.

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PR and Marketing


You know you're the Next Big Thing but does everyone else? Understand the basics of PR and marketing and receive some pointers for your business.

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Collective project development and planning

Project formulation

Do you want to develop a transdisciplinary artistic project together with other artists and share your experiences, wishes and thoughts about work in the artistic field? In this training, you will …

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Funding for artistic projects

Sources of support

From arts education to professional artistic productions: There's a huge variety of funding options. Get to know them and learn how to approach successful application writing.

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Negotiating like a boss

Sources of support

Would you like to be paid what you´re worth off? Are you fed up with being underpaid? Follow this workshop to learn how you can negotiate like a boss to make sure people won't take advantage off your …

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Entrepreneurship basics for artists: Legal forms, fiscal situations, insurances, invoices + making a business plan

Legal and administrative matters

Want to make money with your art? In this workshop, you will learn basics about finances, legal forms of starting your own business, and the first steps of making your own business plan.

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Portfolio, CV and self-marketing


Do you want to sell your work or your services as an artist to possible clients? This workshop will support you in building your artistic portfolio and presenting yourself to possible …

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Communication Basics for Coaches

Training methods

You are an artist who would like to share your artistic skills with others, to work as an artistic coach in youth work, (art/music/dance) schools or creative projects? In this workshop, you will …

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Project development

Project formulation

Do you have a project concept but you don't know how to develop and deliver it? Do you wish to collaborate with other creatives? Have you decided what your role within the project is? Do you feel …

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Administration in performing arts

Legal and administrative matters

How does the work context look like for an artist? what does it mean to become a professional? Rules, rights and duties. How does the context look like to develop a project? Administrative and legal …

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Transform live Transnational mobility - Being an artist: legal and administrative dimensions

Legal and administrative matters

Rock'n'roll, concert, fans, spotlights ... and the administration in all of this? To help you find your way in the middle of the paperwork and legislation, we have implemented a series of …

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Transform record - legal issues

Production of artistic projects

Rock'n'roll, concert, fans, spotlights ... and the administration in all of this? To help you find your way in the middle of the paperwork and legislation, we have implemented a series of …

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Pedagogical approaches: adapting to target groups

Training methods

Being an artist nowadays also means to offer awareness to public and target groups. Nice. But what does it mean? How to talk about your art to small child, old people, persons with mental and …

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Self entrepreneurship

Project formulation, Project management

Are you able to independently develop a professional existence in the cultural industry? Can you think commercially and get a good position for yourself as a professional artist? Are you able to …

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Communication (tools to promote one's artistic project)


How can the artist create in his/her specific scenario his/her own connections and network in a personal and incisive way?

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Awareness to urban cultures

Artists and society

Do you really know Urban Cultures?

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Interdisciplinary approach to art

Production of artistic projects

Crossroad of disciplines: create and explore artistic language with different talents (music, dance, visual arts, etc.). How does one work in an interdisciplinary creation?

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Ways of self-management and self-leadership

Project formulation

Creativity without actions is just a nice idea. How can I devolop my idea to reach a concrete goal? Which are the stages to consider when I want a profesional project to become ready? What I have to …

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Project design and presentation

Project management

Where do I start to write a project? Who, where and in which format do I have to present/ deliver it? Which are the points that have to be clearly described in my project?

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Options of taxation and billing for artists and particularities of each discipline

Legal and administrative matters

Learning the basics and having and overview in legistative matters is a must as an artist. I have different ways to work in terms of contracts, taxation and invoicing but, which is my best option? …

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Pitching your artistic project

Project management, Promotion

To articulate your project, initiate collaborations, conclude contracts or to sell your work, it is essential to present your projects in a clear and attractive manner, how do you make your project …

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Its all about the money, or is it?

Project management

Use your creativity to attract funding and investment!

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