KITKC was founded in 2004. Formally it is not public body, but from the beginning is supported by the founders: Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and Kaunas City Municipality. That’s why KITKC focuses on implementation of the policy for ethnic relations and development of comprehensive cooperation at the national and municipal levels as well as in the non-governmental and private sectors. KITKC closely cooperates with NGO of national minorities offering its facilities for various events and activities.
KITKC actively promotes and develops the cultural space in the Old Town of Kaunas, where people with various national backgrounds residing in Lithuania interact and collaborate. Every year, the organization introduces a variety of new cultural, educational, non-formal education and youth projects on the local, national and international levels. These projects give around 80 cultural events per year, ranging from concerts, performances and art exhibitions to creative and educational workshops. From 2006 to 2012, KITKC held the largest cultural festival for ethnic minorities. As of 2006, KITKC has been holding regular photography ventures, as of 2014 - the annual African Culture Days in Kaunas. KITKC is the only such intercultural organization in the entire Kaunas Region.
KITKC pays exceptional attention to young people, especially those with diverse cultural background. The organization endeavors to reveal their talents and help the youth to develop their skills and competencies. Since 2012, the organization has participated in over 20 projects supported by EU programmes Youth in Action and Erasmus+ and has also hosted international youth projects in Lithuania. As of 2015, KITKC has been accredited as hosting organization of European Voluntary Service (EVS). KITKC is the Lithuanian partner in the international ROOTS & ROUTES network and a full member organization of ROOTS & ROUTES International Association.
Some examples of our activities can be seen here:
Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (lt. Kauno įvairių tautų kultūrų centras - KITKC) is a non-profit cultural and educational organization dedicated to promotion of cultural diversity, shaping intercultural relations and dialogue between people of different nationalities and developing such values as tolerance and respect in the civil society.