Art4Act intends to counter these tendencies by using performing and visual arts, and non-formal education as a tool to engage young people in creative and hybrid processes and promote freedom of thought and expression, intercultural dialogue and understanding, social inclusion and respect for others, as well as to combat discrimination against diversity in all its forms.
Art4Act aims include:
- to enhance exchange of good practices between European and extra-European organisations active in youth work, arts and culture, in issues related to our times of multiple crisis;
- to build narratives that give voice also to those at the edge of our societies;
- to regain the public space as a place of shared encounter of “old” and “new” citizens, different genders, majorities and minorities, where interpersonal connections are fostered.
The Art4Act partnership will develop two main intellectual outputs:
- A compendium of shared pedagogical materials and recommendations intertwining the methodologies elaborated and tested in various local and transnational experiences based on a peer-to-peer learning approach between partners.
- A video documenting the process and results of the innovative methodologies applied in all partner countries.
Both outputs will be freely accessible on this website.
Based on the shared methodological work of the partner organisations, young artists and professional trainers will run experimental training programmes in each partner country, involving youth workers, old and new citizens of the local communities, as well as public authorities and other relevant local stakeholders. The results will be presented in public restitutions (installations, public readings, performances), and documented on this website.
Art4Act is funded by the Erasmus+ programme as Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, and is coordinated by Les Têtes de l'Art in Marseille (FR). Project partners are: Rock in Faches Lille (FR), Centro di Creazione e Cultura Florence (IT), SMouTh Larissa (GR), Subjective Values Foundation Budapest (HU), ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (DE), Stichting ROOTS & ROUTES Rotterdam (NL) and Art Solution Tunis (TN).
Follow the project development and take part in the discussions via social media under the hashtag #Art4Act.