The ROOTS & ROUTES Experience 2024 (RRXP24) is an international youth exchange project bringing together 40 young artists from 8 countries explore how to deal with uncertainty and overcome challenges.
This project started from the theme "Growing through Concrete" from which artists from Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Austria, Romania and Turkey developed an interdisciplinary performance through a combination of their artistic disciplines. The audience is encouraged to immerse themselves in a story in which growth in times of uncertainty and rapid change is not only possible but also magical.

Over the course of two weeks, dance, music, theater, live media and spoken word came together to share and generate thoughts, inspirations and insights at the premieres on 23 and 24 July in the theater hall of the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne (Germany).

The play "Growing through Concrete" was created under the artistic direction of a team of professional coaches led by director and theater maker Antigone Akgün.

The ROOTS & ROUTES Experience 2024 (#RRXP24) is a ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. project in cooperation with: Street Dance Center Salzburg/Austria, KITKC Kaunas/Lithuania, Empreinte Lille/France, Synergy of Music Theatre Larissa/Greece, Fundatia de tineret "Euro Est" Bucharest/Romania, Centro di Creazione e Cultura Florence/Italy and Blues Derneği Istanbul/Turkey.